Shine Bright 1 on 1 Coaching Application

Welcome to Shine Bright Mindset Coaching!

Please fill out this questionnaire so we can get to know you, your goals, and how to best support you in your process.

Please Rate all 7 areas of life on a scale of 1-10. 10 means that you are living your dream life in this area, and 1 means that it could be much better. Indicate a rating that relates to you and your situation right now, and then describe why.

I know that we can love all areas of our life but we often can't work on them all at the same time. One problem people make is trying to change everything all at once. I recommend choosing one 3 month goal at a time.

Imagine your life in 90 days with a completed goal or some new habits what are significantly adding value to your life. Spend some time thinking & writing about how it will feel to be experiencing success in this area of life.

Thank you for completing the application!

Shine Bright Mindset Coaching, LLC

690 Main Street #1038

Safety Harbor, FL 34695-3551

United States

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